Work with Me

How do I know my child is struggling?

Call Us for a FREE Consultation Today! (305) 338-8986

Personal Concerns

(Teachers, School personnel, Pediatrician, Family member). If concerns are expressed, ask for advice.

Red Flags

What does struggling look like? Struggling includes anything from negative behaviors to avoidance of tasks and exhibiting anxiousness for specific tasks.

Mom Intuition

Trust your mom’s intuition. Even if you are a new mom, you know your child best.

Special Education

Trust your mom’s intuition. Even if you are a new mom, you know your child best.

MOM SNS can help you if. . . .

  • You and your partner are struggling to keep up with the elements required for your child’s success.
  • You do not want your child to regress due to a lack of knowledge and resources
  • You don’t want to go through this overwhelming journey alone.
  • Your child’s behavior majorly impedes his/her academic performance, and the behavior plan has been ineffective.
  • You have concerns with your child’s school due to lack of communication and response despite your efforts to implement an IEP, 504 Plan, or Functional Behavior Plan.

Our services are customized for each client’s needs. At MOM SNS, we are offering services including but not limited to:

  • MIP (MOM Individualized Plan)
  • Selection of MIP Team
  • Parent Education
  • Unlimited Resources
  • Referrals to therapeutic services
  • Advocacy Services (IEP meetings, Evaluations, Appeal letters, etc.…)
  • Speaking engagements, Workshops, Webinars, Case Management. Follow up and accountability, Family support

How to get started?

If you are searching for an advocate to work with, let’s get started with a FREE consultation! This free consultation is designed to assess your family’s needs and identify the right services for you.

Additional Opportunities to Connect with MOM SNS

Education Advocacy

What are your rights as a parent?

One of the biggest barriers families face is knowing their rights as parents!
MOM SNS introduces you to a variety of services, strategies, and systems to educate you on opportunities that will support your child(ren) and your family. We take your hand and walk through each topic ranging from dietary, to coping with the effects of a recent diagnosis, to attending IEP Meetings together and more!

Parent Workshops

How we help parents simplify the process?

Through our parent workshops, we provide training on ways to care for a child with a disability.
MOM workshops will equip parents, guardians, and caregivers with the knowledge to fully support and communicate effectively with their child’s school administration, acquire therapeutic services, creating life balance, and teach strategies on how to advocate for your child.


How do we connect with our parents?

We hold webinars to connect parents from different places and share their experiences to offer a community of support.

Speaker Engagements

How does MOM SNS empowers parents?

MOM advocates through speaking engagements to empower parents before, during, and after the diagnosis to adulthood.
We specialize in the newly diagnosed and share opportunities for appropriate resources, therapeutic interventions, and the appropriate medical professionals who can make a difference in their lives.

Children's Book

Upcoming children book series

MOM is also releasing a Children's book series from a child’s perspective.
The purpose of the children's book series is to help readers understand ways of cultivating a well-rounded lifestyle. These books are a perfect addition for the entire family!

Community Events

How we get involved in our community?

Community events are geared toward creating inclusion within communities.
MOM SNS loves educating the public on ways to interact, foster social skills, and how to build empathy towards children with disabilities.